Feedbacks on SparseTIR project

Table of Contents

DONE Talk @ Google MLIR Team

A collection of useful questions:

  1. TACO can also decompose computations and schedule each of them, so what's the advantage of SparseTIR?
  2. Do SparseTIR support reorder dimensions (such as [1, 0] in MLIR Sparse Dialect)?
  3. CPU results, and 2:4 sparse tensor core support.
  4. Preprocessing overhead, how good is SparseTIR in the setting that sparse pattern is dynamic.

DONE Qualifying Project Presentation @ UW

Feedbacks from TQ:

Some notes on your talk (for future refs):

  • Three stage compilation can be a bit too detailed, would be useful to have a "map"(outline) that you get back to
  • Think about high-level punchlines (composability) and come back to it in your talk
  • Try to increase your voice on punchlines(here is the key take-away! …) this helps to make your talk more animated.
  • Good job bringing examples on transformations
  • Avoid discussing technical details in exp and focus on result, show results, then mention what you did briefly
  • Come back to your key takeaway (composability) in exps

At a high level: Think about your overall flow and try to always get audiences back to it Try to be animated and emphasize on punch-lines QA:

  • try to repeat the question from audience(so you can answer, wrt to your interpretation, instead of try to guess what others ask)

Other questions:

  1. relations with Taichi-like frameworks.

DONE Talk @ Cornell Zhang Group


  • Should explain more about the runtime/compile-time behavior about format decomposition.
    • Both the presentation and paper is confusing about that.
  • Release code soon so that other research groups could benefit from that.

DONE Send a followup email

DONE Sync with SparseLNR folks


  • SparseLNR extends TACO to support rfactor and compute_at primitives.
  • The original idea of SparseLNR comes from how to describe FusedMM in TACO.
    • SparseLNR do not support vectorized intrinsics while SparseTIR can help support it.
  • It's better to write some interactive demos about SparseTIR transformations.

DONE Talk @ Tsinghua


  • Look at segment group and atomic parallelism.
  • Investigate the overhead of runtime load-balancing compared to compiled-time load-balancing.
  • More clarification on inputs/outputs/format decomposition.
  • Future work: summarize some common sparse patterns.

TODO Sync with Genghan



  1. Experiments on DNN sparsity (sparse conv, etc.).
  2. Performance breakdown analysis.

DONE Talk @ Amazon AI


  • Questions from Minjie: tuning overhead.

TODO Feedbacks from Yinuo

They want HPC operators:


  • Breadth-First Search
  • PageRank
  • Single-Source Shortest Path
  • Connected Components
  • Betweenness Centrality
  • Triangle Counting


  • Gauss-Jordan Elimination
  • RandomAccess
  • Stentil


  • Spars Matrix-Vector Multiplication
  • Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication
  • Sampled Dense Matrix Multiplication
  • Sparse Triangular Solve
  • Symmetric Gauss-Seidel Smoother


  • Conjugate Gradient
  • Integer Sort

TPC -Hash-Join

Should take some time to investigate them.

Author: expye(Zihao YE)


Date: 2022-07-27 Wed 00:00

Last modified: 2024-07-04 Thu 10:35

Licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0